Tuesday, January 17, 2012

¡Que día tan bonito!

It's such a beautiful Tuesday here in Madrid! There is not a cloud in the sky, it's a crisp 48 degrees, and I just got home from classes and had lunch with Angelina. I think it's worth mentioning that I have a new food obsession: pears. I usually eat two per day: one in the morning, and one for dessert with lunch or dinner. Between pears and Spanish tortillas I could be happy for quite a long time. Oh, and of course the ham. Anyway, this is just a spontaneous post, I don't have a whole lot to say! My palace tour is in a few hours and I am quite looking forward to it. 

¡Espero que vosotros tengáis un día tan bonito como mío!
(I hope you guys have a day as beautiful as mine!)

1 comment:

  1. so fun, I read your blog religiously, so... keep posting.
    All my love,
